Product Description
Sac Scrub(M1080):
Over the years we’ve been asked a lot what the best way is to clean FatSacs or prepare them for storage. We always suggested just hanging them with one of the valves to the ground and letting gravity do the work. Or maybe you’re tired of your colored sacs always looking like something other than the color you ordered from dust, dirt, etc. We have found the ultimate solution for both interior and exterior sac cleaning. Our Sac Scrub is available in a 4 oz. and a 32 oz. container. We recommend 4 oz. of scrub per sac so the 32 oz. bottle also comes with 4 oz. markings on the outside for easy measuring. Sac Scrub has a hint of lemon scent but is not overwhelming at all. Aside from cleaning and freshening Sac Scrub also serves to prevent mold and mildew. Guaranteed not to bleach, dye, or discolor your FatSac.
- Cleaner with mold & mildew prevention. Available in 32oz Spray Bottles
- New inside and out FatSac cleaner.
- 32-ounce bottle with sprayer.
- Bottles come capped and sealed for non-leaky delivery and Amazon compliance.
- Mold and Mildew prevention.
- Lemon scented slightly but not overpowering.
- Use 4 ounces per 80-90 gallons (650lbs – 750lbs) of water to clean the inside when the FatSac is full.
- There are lines on the bottle every 4 ounces for measurement.
- Great for winterizing the FatSac for storage.
- Environmentally friendly ingredients.
- Will NOT dye or bleach your FatSac.
- This product is to be used with FatSac only.
- When disposing of the FatSac contents, do it in accordance with the State and Local laws.
WARNING! When disposing of Sac Scrub we ask that you make sure to do so in accordance with local environmental laws. It is designed to be environmentally friendly but that DOES NOT mean it is safe to dump into your lake. It is important that we become environmental stewards on our waterways as our hobbies become the target of environmental groups and lake associations. Please help us create the most positive image for our industry possible.